Avoiding Large Losses in Your Portfolio

"Rule No.1: Never lose money. Rule No.2: Never forget rule No.1." – Warren Buffett1    Risk is a factor in any investment decision that you make. Your tolerance for risk is something that you will

Reducing the Risk of Outliving Your Money

What steps might help you sustain and grow your retirement savings? “What is your greatest retirement fear?” If you ask any group of retirees and pre-retirees this question, “outliving my money” will likely be one

Are You Retiring Within the Next 5 Years?

What should you focus on as the transition approaches? You can prepare for your retirement transition years before it occurs. In doing so, you can do your best to avoid the kind of financial surprises

Three Key Questions to Answer Before Taking Social Security

When to start? Should I continue to work? How can I maximize my benefit? Social Security will be a critical component of your financial strategy in retirement, so before you begin taking it, you should

Robo-Advisors vs. Human Advisors

If an investor chooses a non-human financial advisor, what price could they end up paying? Investors have a choice today that they did not have a decade ago. They can seek investing and retirement planning guidance

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