
Wealth Management from a Biblical Worldview

The Life Financial Group, Inc. is a wealth management firm that exists to help families become even better financial stewards of God’s gifts while protecting their wealth and honoring their convictions. Since 1978, The Life Financial Group has provided professional, Biblically-sound financial services, counseling, and education to the Christian community. It is our goal to help individuals apply God’s Word by developing Biblical priorities, giving generously, minimizing debt, investing wealth carefully, instructing their children and grandchildren on basic finances, and including the Lord’s work in their wills and trusts.

Our Biblical Philosophy of Money

At The Life Financial Group, we believe it is important for Christians to have every aspect of their lives transformed by the application of Biblical truths. This includes the way money is viewed, managed, and invested. We believe that all things belong to God, including our money, and we should exercise Biblical stewardship over all our resources. We believe there is a priority and sequence to using the money that God entrusts to us. Therefore, we believe spending should not come before giving, and luxuries should not come before saving. The following, scripturally-founded, priorities are based on order of importance.

First, we ought to give. God asks that we take the firstfruits of His provision and return a portion to Him. (Prov. 3:9-10

Second, we should save. The family must retain financial freedom by having reserves and practicing wise long-term management. (Prov. 21:5, 20; 1 Tim. 5:8)

Third, we should spend wisely. Being honest, timely, and just with our creditors, fulfills our ethical obligations and supports our consistent testimony to the world around us. (Rom. 13:7; 1 Pet. 2:15)

Fourth, we ought to give to others through offerings. In response to God’s bounty, stewards should to be sensitive to the needs of others and be willing to help as they have opportunity, before spending money on personal pleasures. (1 John 3:17-18)

Fifth, we can enjoy luxuries. God’s faithful and sovereign provision, when managed as described above, is to be enjoyed and appreciated. (1 Cor. 4:2; 1 Tim. 6:17)

The Impact of Wise Financial Planning

Download our free devotional eBook: A 20 Day Study in Stewardship

“This guide provides twenty daily readings, each exploring God’s call to Christians to become stewards of His bountiful provision. They are intended to encourage us, to rebuke us sometimes, and to instruct us.”