Getting a Head Start on College Savings

The hows and whys of college savings. The American family with a child born today can expect to spend about $233,610 to raise that child to the age of 18. And if you’ve already traded

Eight Mistakes That Can Upend Your Retirement

Avoid these situations, if you can. Pursuing your retirement dreams is challenging enough without making some common, and very avoidable, mistakes. Here are eight big mistakes to steer clear of, if possible. No Strategy. Yes,

Establish Your Gospel Legacy

Make an eternal impact by naming your church or other ministry in your will or estate plan! An important part of our Christian heritage in America is that we are provided opportunities for making gifts to charitable

Saving Your Elderly Parents from Financial Fraud

Talk about precautions with the seniors in your family.   Elders are financially defrauded in this country on a daily basis. Only a few of these crimes are made public. In fact, the National Adult

Are You Retiring Within the Next 5 Years?

What should you focus on as the transition approaches? You can prepare for your retirement transition years before it occurs. In doing so, you can do your best to avoid the kind of financial surprises

Three Key Questions to Answer Before Taking Social Security

When to start? Should I continue to work? How can I maximize my benefit? Social Security will be a critical component of your financial strategy in retirement, so before you begin taking it, you should

Behind on Your Retirement Savings?

What steps could you take to try and catch up? If life has not allowed you to build substantial retirement savings, what possible steps could you take in an effort to improve your retirement prospects?

How Retirement Spending Changes With Time

Once away from work, your cost of living may rise before it falls.  New retirees sometimes worry that they are spending too much, too soon. Should they scale back? Are they at risk of outliving

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