Listen to President Tim Russell and Pastor Drew Gysi explore this topic here.



It is on the rise.

Mostly because there is a greater connectivity between one another and so many people posting about their life, and what they ate last night on Social Media.

Deception will, sadly, continue to increase.

Jesus, speaking about the signs at the end of the age, said it so well: Jesus answered: “Watch out that no one deceives you. (Matthew 24:4, NIV84)

In our continued journey to be even better stewards of what God has put into our care, we need to not just see growth and movement forward with our assets, but on the same side of the coin, we need protection from those that are trying to steal what God has put into our care.  And that is what we would like to discuss in this article.

How Will AI Scams Change the World?

We are taking the response that ChatGPT gave us to the question, “How will AI Scams change the world?” and reviewing its responses using our own thoughts and processing…and of course, looking at it through the lens of Biblical stewardship. To listen to our commentary, listen to our podcast episode here.

AI scams have the potential to significantly impact individuals, businesses, and society at large. As AI technology becomes more sophisticated (and it is every single day), scammers most likely will exploit its capabilities to create even more convincing and targeted scams. Here’s how AI scams could change the world:


1. Increased Realism: AI-generated content, such as deep fake videos and audio, can make scams appear more convincing and realistic. Scammers could use AI to impersonate trusted individuals or organizations, making it difficult for people to discern between genuine and fraudulent communications.

2. Personalization: AI can analyze vast amounts of data from social media and other sources to create personalized scam messages that are tailored to an individual’s interests, habits, and relationships. This could make scams more difficult to detect, as they would appear more relevant and familiar to victims.

3. Phishing Attacks: AI-powered phishing attacks most likely will become more sophisticated by crafting emails and messages that mimic the writing style and communication patterns of trusted contacts. This could lead to an increase in successful phishing attempts.

4. Voice and Video Scams: Deepfake technology could be used to create fake voice recordings or video calls that imitate the voices and appearances of people in a victim’s social circle, tricking them into divulging sensitive information or making financial transactions.

5. Automated Scam Campaigns: AI can automate the process of creating and distributing scam content, allowing scammers to reach a larger number of potential victims simultaneously. This could lead to a surge in scam activities and overwhelm law enforcement efforts.

6. Financial Losses: AI scams could result in significant financial losses for individuals and businesses. Victims might be more likely to trust AI-generated communications, leading them to make transactions or provide sensitive information to scammers.

7. Erosion of Trust: The prevalence of AI scams could erode trust in digital communications and online platforms. People might become more skeptical of messages and content, making it harder for legitimate businesses and organizations to communicate effectively.

8. Evolution of Fraud Techniques: Scammers are likely to adapt and innovate using AI technology, making it challenging for cybersecurity measures to keep up. This could lead to a constant arms race between scammers and security professionals.

9. Impersonation of Public Figures: AI-generated content could be used to impersonate public figures, celebrities, or even government officials to spread misinformation or engage in fraudulent activities.

10. Cybersecurity Challenges: Detecting AI-generated scams might require advanced AI-based cybersecurity tools and techniques. The battle against AI-powered scams could intensify as scammers and cybersecurity experts employ AI in their strategies.


To counter these potential impacts, individuals, businesses, and governments need to be proactive in their approach to cybersecurity and online interactions. 

Raising awareness about AI scams, educating users about the risks, and investing in AI-based security solutions will be essential to staying ahead of the evolving threat landscape. 

Additionally, collaboration between technology developers, policymakers, law enforcement agencies, and cybersecurity experts is crucial to mitigate the potential harm caused by AI-driven scams.


How to AVOID AI Scams

Avoiding AI money scams requires vigilance, awareness, and careful consideration of the information and requests you receive. Here are some steps you can take to protect yourself from falling victim to AI-driven money scams:

1.  Stay Informed

    • Educate yourself about common types of scams and how they operate, including those that might be powered by AI. Knowledge is your first line of defense.
    • The next step beyond education is prevention.  As new “protections” come on line for individuals and businesses, consider adapting those protections or services as soon as possible.  This is not a sure fire way for protecting against AI scams, but it is a step further and better than your co-worker, neighbor or family member.


2. Verify Requests

    • Verify the identity of individuals or organizations before sharing any sensitive information or making financial transactions. Use official contact information from reliable sources, not information provided in unsolicited messages. If you don’t know the individual or organization, JUST SAY NO!


3. Be Cautious of Unsolicited Messages

    • Be skeptical of unexpected emails, messages, or calls, especially if they request sensitive information, ask for money, or promise unrealistic returns.


4. Check URLs and Links

    • Hover over links in emails to see the actual URL destination before clicking. Be cautious of shortened URLs and unfamiliar domains.
    • If you do not know how to do this, just ask someone!  This is a VERY important first step in shutting down access to your phone, computer and ultimately, your private information.


5. Use Strong Authentication

    • Whenever possible, use strong and unique passwords, enable two-factor authentication (2FA), and consider using password managers to keep your accounts secure.
    • We would not be surprised if in the not too distant future there will be some sort of 3-factor authentication or more due to the need for even greater security
    • We all know that 2FA is not desirable, but the little time it takes to confirm things, should allow you to sleep better at night knowing that your secure info is not in the hands of others.


6. Guard Personal Information

    • Be cautious about sharing personal information online or on social media platforms. Scammers might use this information to personalize their scams.
    • Social media is a blessing and a curse!  Remember, once something is posted online, you cannot guarantee that, if you delete it, it will be gone.  Live and post in a way that whatever you put online, it will be there forever!  


7. Beware of Urgent or Threatening Language

    • Scammers often use urgency or threats to pressure you into making quick decisions. Take your time to evaluate any request.
    • AI will take this to a new level, especially with cloning voices.
    • If you received a call with a family member’s voice, in a panic or requesting help/money, do yourself a favor.  Hang up on that call, and reach out directly to that family member.  It very well could be a deep-fake scam coming your way.


8. Verify Investment Opportunities

    • If you come across investment opportunities that promise guaranteed high returns, be skeptical. Research the investment and the company thoroughly before committing funds.
    • Remember, there are NO guarantees when it comes to investing.  Past performance does not guarantee future results.
    • Ask questions…lots of them!  If you have a financial advisor, it would be good to have a conversation with them about the investment “opportunity” BEFORE you commit to anything.


9. Use Reputable Platforms

    • If you’re using online platforms for trading or investing, ensure they are reputable and have strong security measures in place.
    • Be leery of new platforms and start-ups.  Wait for them to get “their legs” stable under them…WITHOUT YOUR INVESTMENT.  
    • Just like you should not buy a brand new make or model car in the first year, consider the same with investing in a new company or product until it has proven itself and is deemed okay or safe.  


10. Stay Up-to-Date with Technology

    • Stay informed about the latest advancements in AI, including how it might be used for scams. This awareness can help you spot suspicious activities.
    • You may not have to subscribe to the latest tech journals, but become connected with someone that has this sort of knowledge and info that can steer you in the right direction and answer your tech security questions.


11. Trust Your Instincts

    • If something feels off or too good to be true, it probably is. Trust your gut feeling and exercise caution.
    • If you still think something seems to be okay, double check with a trusted source or individual.


12. Report Suspicious Activity

    • If you suspect you’re dealing with a scam, report it to relevant authorities, your bank, or any platform you’re using. Reporting helps prevent others from falling victim.
    • Remember, silence instead of reporting could allow others to be impacted in the same way, or worse!


13. Use Antivirus and Security Software

    • Install reputable antivirus and security software on your devices to detect and prevent malware and phishing attempts.
    • As new “software” is introduced to protect you, your assets and online profile, consider learning more about them and possibly adopting them.


14. Stay Skeptical of Deepfakes

    • Be cautious of video or voice calls that seem unusual or unexpected, even if they appear to be from someone you know. Verify their identity through other means if possible.
    • If your “spidey senses” are going off, consider trusting them…and act accordingly!
    • Questions are always good…and should be welcome in any and all arenas.


Remember…Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness. (2 Corinthians 11:14–15, NIV84)

Scammers continually adapt their tactics, so staying vigilant and informed is key to protecting yourself from AI money scams and other fraudulent activities. If you’re unsure about the legitimacy of a request or opportunity, seek advice from trusted sources before taking any action.

Stewardship Application

  • Use wisdom and protect your data with today’s tools available to you. 
  • Use, keep updated and trust protection software and hardware to keep your assets protected.
  • Passwords need to be changed more often than you think!  
  • Use safe words
  • Trust ultimately in the Lord because:
    • He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” (Psalm 91:1–2, NIV84)  
  • If you are one day caught up in a scam, or identity/asset theft of some sort…use wisdom, use the tools available to correct things…and ultimately remember this:
    • God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. (Psalm 46:1, NIV84)  



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The topics discussed in this podcast are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific investment advice or recommendations.  Investing and investment strategies involve risk including the potential loss of principal. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.

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