Dear Clients –

As we have all seen in the past few weeks the situation with the COVID-19 pandemic has been an ever-evolving situation as our government officials grapple with determining the best approach to minimize the spread. The governor of Pennsylvania, Gov. Tom Wolf, has issued official orders stating that, “Effective 8 p.m. Thursday, March 19, all “non-life-sustaining” businesses in Pennsylvania must close their physical locations to slow the spread of COVID-19.”

The Life Financial Group and Beacon Tax will be complying with the orders to close our Pennsylvania offices until our Governor rescinds these orders and allows us to reopen.

Also for your information, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin has announced that the federal deadline for filing taxes has been moved to July 15, 2020. (Please see the links below for more detailed information regarding this matter.) The Pennsylvania state tax deadline has not yet been extended, although we expect them to follow suit.

Although our physical office doors are closed, our team wants you all to know that they will continue to work remotely and will be checking their email regularly. Our clients are our top priority and we will continue to serve you as best as possible from our remote work locations.

Please also know that we will be praying over all our clients and this entire situation. We will rely on the confidence of knowing that our God is in control.

If you should need assistance during this period, please email your advisor directly. To reach the front office of Life Financial Group, please email To reach the Beacon Tax office, please email

From the Team at Life Financial Group and Beacon Tax


